I will help you
find a way out
the crisis
• in business • in career • in society

«Glass ceiling»
This is a barrier that many face on the path to business development or career development. You hit it if:
The old methods don't work, and the new ones haven't been found
You don't see a way out of this situation
You do not understand how to influence it and what measures to take
There is no career growth, no increase in profits, no business development, no business eventually!
Sounds familiar?
Working with clients, I find those points of growth and turning points in business or personal life that it is impossible to consider on your own. I look at the situation from a different angle.
As a result, you get a solution that can radically change the course of events and take you to a new level.
Requests I'm working with:
Not sure if counseling will help in your particular case?
Describe your request and we will find a solution
Didn't even think to look this way...
I often hear this answer in my consultations. This is a clear sign that you have hit the glass ceiling and do not see the possible prospects.
My main task is to see the turning points in the client’s life, in which you can make the right decisions leading to success, to an effective and profitable business.
How will I make it?

Why am I sure that I can help you?
years of experience
in various fields
business projects
were already implemented
customers have achieved
the desired results
- Author of the book «MATRIX FOR THE BEGINNERS»
- I created and support the “Let’s Help Together” Charity Fund
- Developed a unique computer-based career guidance test in the ProfCompass project
- Constantly growing in new directions, within 3 years I`ve became a successful NFT-Gallerist
How to get a consultation?
Submit a request
Formulate a request in writing and send it to me. When you clearly define a problem, you are already on your way to solving it.
Fill out the questionnaire
In response, you receive a questionnaire that you need to fill out as honestly and consciously as possible.
Read the terms
After questionnaire review, I set the price, formulate the tasks and deadlines
Start coaching
Work on issues, completing cooperation or moving to the stage of mentoring and long-term support.
Can’t formulate a request, don’t know in which area you need to start working? I'll help you to figure it out
Sign up for a free diagnostic consultation
How to start making changes today?
Is it possible to see the future even in the most difficult situation? Find a way out where others give up?
The book for those who want to “hack” their destiny and extract the best from the given circumstances, quickly and efficiently achieve desired
If you are still here, then:
Let’s not say too much: you have probably already worked on yourself or your business, you understand that there is no “one size fits all” solution.
You are already successful in your career, doing your life’s work, or doing well in the social arena. At the same time, you want more, better, better quality and, most importantly, more expensive.
You understand that you are quite able to turn the tide and take everything into your own hands, but you cannot find the right solution, see the perspectives, find new ways out.

What should I do? One option is to “beat your head against the wall” in searching for solutions, spending precious time and money on this. Yes, perseverance will get you there, but at what cost?
The second option: contact a specialist who knows all the “pitfalls”, knows how to see them in time, and most importantly, successfully bypass them.
My clients' results
Do you want the same?
I reached out to Irina when my business started to decline. I am a trader in consumer goods from China. High competition and ever-increasing logistics costs with an unstable dollar exchange rate reduced my income, and more and more thoughts arose about closing the business. Irina and her team conducted a systematic analysis of my commodity items, automated many routine tasks, which helped me free up time to search for new suppliers and markets. In addition, they pointed out to me specific mistakes that my team made in choosing points of sales. As a result, as an owner and manager, I received 1) automation of some operational processes, which freed up my time and eliminated human errors 2) new opportunities for business expansion. I highly recommend Irina's services to managers who do not see prospects and growth points for their business.

Irina was recommended to me by my friends, whom her team helped to solve a problem similar to mine. Namely, a constantly growing salary fund, which almost exceeded the financial capabilities of my business. I am surprised how quickly Irina managed to immerse in all the nuances of my business and draw my attention to where the money "leaks" without results. At first, I thought that Irina and her team would simply come up with a method to reduce the salaries of employees, while motivating them to work in the same way as before. But she immediately dismissed this option, in return she offered a full audit and search for financial "holes". Delighted with the result.

I want to express my gratitude to Mrs. Kuzmicheva and her team for their help in organizing work with suppliers. Before meeting Irina Alexandrovna, this was the weakest side in my business. In short: large suppliers were not ready to work with my relatively modest purchase volumes, and small ones did not offer me the wholesale price necessary for profitability. I will say in advance that business owners should be ready for the maximum engagement of the methods that Irina offers. That is, approach to give a task and get a working result at the output will not work. You will be directly involved in finding the right options. But it's well worth it. I am very glad that I once turned to Irina Alexandrovna for help.
